Hi all,

I got bored of waiting for me to release TT3 so I back-ported "outline" directives to TT2. This is only on github at the moment, not yet released to CPAN.

Short example:

  %% IF a
  a is set to [% a %]
  %% ELSE
  a is not set
  %% END

Which is equivalent to:

  [% IF a -%]
  a is set to [% a %]
  [% ELSE -%]
  a is not set
  [% END -%]

Enable it by setting the TAG_STYLE option to 'outline':

  my $tt = Template->new({
      TAG_STYLE => 'outline',

Or by defining your own OUTLINE_TAG string:

  my $tt = Template->new({
      OUTLINE_TAG => '%%',

Or by using the TAGS directive to set the 'outline' style:

  [% TAGS outline %]

Or to set the start, end and (optional) outline tags:

  [% TAGS <* *> >> %]

See t/outline.t for tests:


Changes to the relevant sections of the docs are here:



Comments, feedback, etc., welcome. Assuming I don't hear any reports of mass breakage, I'll release this as version 2.26 in the next few days (noting that I've also got two pull requests outstanding on github that I need to look at first).


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