
I agree with Johan, as I also wasn't able to reproduce your issue.
This is what I tried:

use Template;

Template->new->process(\*DATA, {
    data => { className => '42.55' }
[% items = data.className.split('\.') %]
[% items.last %]

This outputs "55", as you would expect.


On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Johan Vromans <jvrom...@squirrel.nl> wrote:
> Jean-Michel Caricand <jean-michel.caric...@laposte.net> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I have a little question with split. I want to split my string
>> variable on "."
>> Example :
>> data.className contents = "A.b.C";
>> [% BLOCK viewController %]
>> [% items = data.className.split('\.');
>> %]
>> [% items.last %]
>> That doesn't work. With Perl, I can use this :
>> @items = split(/\./, data->{className});
>> but that doesn't work with TT2.
>> Any idea ?
> This works:
> [% x = 'a.b.c'; x.split('\.').join('|') %]
> it outputs a|b|c
> Are you sure you did set the value of data.className correctly?
> -- Johan
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