Hello all.

I'm relatively new to Template Toolkit - so please excuse the probable
stupidity of my question. I have to say I'm exceptionally pleased and
impressed so far - so thanks all!

My question is as follows.I select some information from a database and
pass it to TT to be output:

'data' => $sth->fetchall_hashref($key_field),

Part of this data is a field containing a number of seconds, referenced
within the template as:


I want to format this number of seconds as a number of minutes and a number
of seconds. I would rather do this formatting within within the template
than by altering the data in the hash from within my Perl script.

i.e. if it is 634, that would represent 10 minutes and 34 seconds. Which I
would like to display as 10:34

Is there a simple way of doing this?

Many thanks,

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