On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:31:47 +0000
"Norris, Joseph" <jnor...@pacificmetrics.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Did quite a bit of work with TT some years ago - just coming into a
> project where it will be ideal.
> Here is my issue:
> I am converting a bunch of html embedded scripts into TT based
> scripts and I have a situation where ( for lack of better words ) I
> must "append" parts of forms to other parts - so I have a the
> following mockup
> first_part_of_form
>    on condtion - keep first_part_of_form and append
>         second_part_of_form
> I have tried setting if conditions in my perl script and do the
> process to a variable but when I do the following:
> $form->{set_first_part} = true
>   and then in the form I have [% IF set_first_part == 'true' %]
> first_part_of_form
>                                                           [% END %]
> And then set it to false - as expected I do not get the
> first_part_of_form -  I need to keep this intact and then append
> second_part_of_form
> Maybe I am over-thinking this but I would like to get to as close as
> I can to a single html file to handle what I am doing.

It would be much clearer if you posted exactly what you have in your
files--your exact perl script and your exact template.  I'm probably
missing something, but what it seems you're asking for is very

$ cat > template.tt
header stuff
[% IF set_first_part %]
first part of form
[% END %]
[% IF set_second_part %]
second part of form
[% END %]
footer stuff
$ cat > test.pl
use Template;
my $tt = Template->new;
my $tt_vars = {
        'set_first_part' => 1, # 1 or 0
        'set_second_part' => 1, # 1 or 0
unless ( $tt->process( 'template.tt', $tt_vars ) ) {
        die "Template error: " . $tt->error;
$ perl test.pl
header stuff

first part of form

second part of form

footer stuff


C. Chad Wallace, B.Sc.
The Lodging Company
OpenPGP Public Key ID: 0x262208A0

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