On 29/04/2012, at 5:51 PM, Lance Koh wrote:

> Directly accessing the taf that is supposed to load the image doesn’t have it 
> loaded.

The TAF just creates the image on the server and returns the <img> tag to the 
> You might want to look at the server log of ideaaustralia.com.au and see if 
> it captures any abnormality.
> .htaccess rewrite rules could also be a culprit.

I looked in there for any caching commands and also tried adding a cache 
disabled command. No such luck.
> And check the ImageMagick configuration. You might not have the permission to 
> invoke it from taf.

It's being invoked and creating the new image. It's definitely an Apache 
caching issue.
> Btw, you might want to append a random number when you call the reload.
> E.g.
> $('#IMcaptcha').load('/IMcaptcha/ajaxIMcaptcha.taf?r=' + Math.random());
> This is to prevent browser cache and the same image will not be reloaded when 
> user hit the reload button.

I'll give that a try.
> To share a little more, in 1 of the projects that I was involved a few years 
> back; the following characters were removed due to usability:
> 0 (zero), 1 (one), o (alphabet O), I, L (both cases), 6 (six), 9 (nine), G 
> (both cases)

Cheers for that. I had most of them but hadn't considered Gg.



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