Ove the last month I have been battling with installing Terascript 7 on 
Yosemite (Mac OSX 10.10.5).

The installer app seems to work correctly, but then the install script appears 
to fail. I am trying the script ‘Install_Terascript_10_10’. There is no Server 
specific version for 10.10 as the only difference is that ‘Server’ comes with 
the GUI apps.

The script asks for the admin password then says it couldn’t complete because 
the ‘Operation was already in progress’. I opened the script in an editor and 
it appears to modify the file ‘terascript.plist and change ‘USERNAME’ to the 
current username, copy it to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ and change some 
permissions on it. I do these actions manually.

The next step is load the plist. When I enter:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/terascript.plist

I get the message:
Operation already in progress

So I do the following:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/terascript.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/terascript.plist

Monitoring processes in Activity Monitor I see terascriptd fire up. Yay!

With Apache running I can access files in the set up virtual hosts, but for 
some reason the tafs are not being passed off to terascriptd. When I try to 
load ‘index.taf’ I get:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. 
The document tree is shown below.
<TAF Version="0x02000002">
<ActionRef Ref="IfArrayEmpty">
<ActionRef Ref="Branch"/>
<ActionRef Ref="Debug"/>
<ActionRef Ref="Results"/>
<ActionRef Ref="Return"/>
<IfAction Expanded="True" ID="IfArrayEmpty" Sig="if  “>


Anybody got an idea what I am doing wrong?

Wayne Irvine

Wayne Irvine

Byteserve Pty Ltd
w: http://www.byteserve.com.au/
e: i...@byteserve.com.au
p: +61 02 9960 6099
m: 0409 960 609


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