I am working with an API that expects JSON. They have provided sample JSON:

"declared_value": "1000.00",
"items": [
        "weight": "38.63",
        "height": "0.25",
        "width": "1.65",
        "length": "3.32",
        "quantity": 1,
        "description": "carton"
        "weight": "39.63",
        "height": "1.25",
        "width": "2.65",
        "length": "4.32",
        "quantity": 2,
        "description": "carton"
"sender": {
    "postcode": "2000",
    "suburb": "SYDNEY",
    "type": "business",
    "country": "AU"
"receiver": {
    "postcode": "3000",
    "suburb": "MELBOURNE",
    "type": "business",
    "country": "AU"

I have tried pasting this in the Data section of the WebCall action but am 
getting an error:
415 Unsupported Media Type

Do I have to escape this data or something?


Byteserve Pty Ltd
w: http://www.byteserve.com.au/
e: i...@byteserve.com.au
p: +61 02 9960 6099
m: 0409 960 609
f: +61 02 9960 6088


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