Achieving what you want is not a no-brainer. TessBaseAPI uses as a
thresholder an instance of ImageThresholder class that is created to
relieve a user from any manual parameter setting. To introduce any
tweaking the most feasible strategy is to subclass from
ImageThresholder and then call SetThresholder(). In the subclass do
one of the following:

- implement entirely your own ThresholdToPix() - e.g. adaptive
binarization - search for Sauvola et al., or probably using Leptonica
library procedures,

- overload ThresholdToPix() and use its existing code to modify the
"thresholds" and "hi_values" between calls to OtsuThreshold() and
ThresholdRectToPix(). This means sticking to the modified Otsu method
( currently being used in

Don't be afraid to expolore further by yourself. Unlike other
Tesseract's code, the code in "thresholder.h" and "thresholder.cpp" is
new and better documented so there's should be no problem to
understand it after a while.

Warm regards,
Dmitri Silaev

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:35 AM, avasilev <> wrote:
> First of all, I beg for excuse if this post appears twice, because I
> sent it some hours ago and it didn't appear.
> Now my question:
> I have seen there is a Thresholder API in tesseract. If it is what I
> think, can anyone give me an example how to use the thresholding API
> in tesseract to adjsut the threshold of image binarization.
> --
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