can you please share the converted radical-stroke.txt file?

On Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 3:12:43 PM UTC+6, wrote:
> I'v come across with the same fault before
> Because I simply move langdata that clone on window to linux server.
> As a consequence, the radical-stroke.txt file which need to be formed on 
> "CL" turn to be "CR LF"
> everything went right after I convert this file 
> 在 2018年8月6日星期一 UTC+8下午12:11:33,Shandigutt写道:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to train Tesseract for Sinhala language. I was following 
>> training 
>> guidelines 
>> <>
>> mentioned in Github wiki. I get an error with reference to the 4th step 
>> which is "Creating Starter Traineddata". Please find the below command I 
>> executed,
>> training/combine_lang_model --input_unicharset 
>> ../training/sin/sin.unicharset --script_dir ../langdata --words 
>> ../langdata/sin/sin.wordlist --puncs ../langdata/sin/sin.punc --numbers 
>> ../langdata/sin/sin.numbers --output_dir ../training/combined_sin 
>> --version_str 1.0 --lang sin
>> I get the following output,
>> Loaded unicharset of size 94 from file ../training/sin/sin.unicharset
>> Setting unichar properties
>> Setting script properties
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 4 = ී
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 6 = ි
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 11 = ු
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 15 = ්‌
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 33 = ූ
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 52 = ්‍ර
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 56 = ්‍ය
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 87 = ක්‍
>> Warning: properties incomplete for index 93 = ර්‍
>> Config file is optional, continuing...
>> Null char=2
>> Invalid format in radical table at line 4: 3400    1.4
>> Creation of encoded unicharset failed!!
>> Error writing recoder!!
>> Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
>> Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
>> Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
>> For more information I have attached my sin.unicharset file and 
>> sin.config files. 
>> I use below Tesseract version,
>> tesseract -v
>> tesseract 4.00.00dev-696-geba0ae3
>>  leptonica-1.74.4
>>   libjpeg 8d (libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2) : libpng 1.2.54 : libtiff 4.0.6 : zlib 
>> 1.2.8
>>  Found SSE
>> I use below OS,
>> uname -a
>> Linux shandigutt-laptop-ubuntu 4.4.0-130-generic #156-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 
>> 14 08:53:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> Appreciate if somebody can please help me on this.
>> Thannks

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