i am using a tesseract wrapper for c# (from charls, prerelease virsion), 
and it uses tesseract 4.
Somehow the picture i am passing is clean, but it's giving wrong results in 
case of letter 'S',
wrongly detects it as '5' or sometimes 'S5'
i am using following configurations
data used - tessdata-best
following flags-
load_system_dawg F
load_freq_dawg F
user_words_suffix user-words
user_patterns_suffix user-patterns 
PSM mode - SingleWord
EngineMode - default
i can go for training the tesseract but seems my usecase is not that 
difficult to detect
following are the images and corresponding wrong text

[image: first.jpg]
wrong text detected  -W22754

[image: sec.jpg]
wrong text detected -W21351-2

[image: third.jpg]
wrong text detected -226S51

i guess these pictures are of fine quality using 300 dpi, still getting 
wrong results
please help if anyone find any flaw in cofig or something else.
thanks in advance.

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