Speed and accuracy with regard to documents that have complex watermarks, 
like automotive licenses.

On Friday, August 14, 2020 at 11:26:38 AM UTC-4 a.ros...@pyimagesearch.com 

> Hi fellow Tesseract OCR friends!
> My name is Adrian Rosebrock. Some of you may already know me from my blog, 
> PyImageSearch.com <https://www.pyimagesearch.com/>, where I provide free 
> tutorials on computer vision, deep learning, and OCR.
> Myself and the rest of the PyImageSearch team are about to author a book 
> on OCR, entitled "OCR with OpenCV, Tesseract, and Python". Along with the 
> book, we'll be offering:
>    - High quality, well documented source code that explains not only 
>    *what* we're doing, but *why* we're doing it
>    - Pre-configured VM with all the necessary computer vision, deep 
>    learning, and OCR libraries pre-installed
>    - Access to our companion website
>    - Certificate of completion
> I've put together a preview of the book here 
> <https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2020/08/13/sneak-preview-ocr-with-opencv-tesseract-and-python/>.
> Additionally, you can find the table of contents on this page. 
> <https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2020/08/14/table-of-contents-ocr-with-opencv-tesseract-and-python/>
> We'll be announcing an IndieGoGo campaign to fund the creation of the book 
> this coming Wednesday, August 19th 
> <https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ocr-with-opencv-tesseract-and-python/coming_soon/x/24003505>.
> We're offering significant discounts on the book (as well as my other books 
> and courses) during the campaign.
> If you have any questions on the book, or if you have any 
> recommendations/suggestions on what you would like to see covered, please 
> do let me know!
> Otherwise, if the group admin/moderators feel that this post is out of 
> line, I apologize. It is not my intention to spam or cause a fuss. If the 
> group feels this post should be deleted, I whole heartedly understand.
> Thank you all and have a wonderful weekend!

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