
### Environment
**Tesseract Version**:
tesseract 4.0.0
  libgif 5.1.4 : libjpeg 6b (libjpeg-turbo 1.5.2) : libpng 1.6.36 : libtiff 
4.1.0 : zlib 1.2.11 : libwebp 0.6.1 : libopenjp2 2.3.0
 Found AVX2
 Found AVX
 Found SSE

**Platform**: Windows 10 64-bit

### Current Behavior:
For this joined image output.png, if I apply the command *tesseract 
output.png output* the output is empty.
If I apply the command *tesseract output.png output --psm 7* the output is *0/7 
53 67 19 54*

### Expected Behavior:
In both cases, the expected output is 
*07 53 62 19 54*

Can you help me get the correct result, please?

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