Hi there,

I trained a model as follows

export TESSDATA_DIR=/<path>/tessdata_best/
export LANGDATA_DIR=/<path>/tesstrain/data

nohup make LANG_TYPE=RTL \
      MODEL_NAME=ara_plus \
      PSM=13 \
      START_MODEL=ara \
      EPOCHS=100 \
      RATIO_TRAIN=0.90 \
      DEBUG_INTERVAL=-1 training >> data/ara_plus.log &

1. once I have the initial model, how would I run further iterations on the 
same data. Should I copy ara_plus.traineddata to  $TESSDATA_DIR and specify 
START_MODEL=ara_plus? Or is there another way.

2. When I specify EPOCHS > 0 then I see that the Makefile sets the 
iterations to - EPOCHS. What is that actually doing? Will it actually 
iterate = EPOCHS * data points. I see we are using SGD so LSTM training is 
running each data point separately. 

thank you.

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