Hey y'all!

On my local machine (a Mac), I'm trying to download the version of 
Tesseract that is available on Google Colab. This is version 4.1.1. I 
downloaded the files 
from https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/releases/tag/4.1.1 and 
tried to run the following commands:
   cd tesseract
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig
(Instructions copied 

At the "make" stage, however, I see a lot of errors. First, there was this 
error 20 times: "In file included from 
../../version:1:1: error: expected unqualified-id
ChatGPT recommended removing the version file; I did that and this error 
went away.
But then new errors started coming up (most of them around "member access 
into incomplete type 'Pixa' and 'Box' ").

I was expecting the installation of a popular software to not have these 
faults. Am I doing something wrong? 

If we can't fix the bugs, can someone email me their tesseract 4.1.1 

Thank You.


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