> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 6:06 AM
> Subject: Changes to server config: opinions wanted
> Hi all,
> I've been comparing httpd-test/perl-framework with our 
> prototype in-house
> apache tester, and the main difference I've found has been 
> that our tests
> carry what configuration directives they need inside the .t 
> files; there
> is no extra.conf. This makes the tests more self-contained, 
> and has the
> advantage that it allows each test to be carried out in different
> `contexts' -- the same test can be run with its directives in the main
> configuration, in a vhost or in .htaccess files.
> [Basically, each test calls the function UseConfigurationDirectives(),
> which generates the configuration and SIGHUPs httpd. There is also a
> method for tests to specify contexts in which they may/may 
> not be run.]
> I'm quite happy to port this functionality to httpd-test -- it isn't a
> massive change -- but before I start (in earnest) I'd like to know if
> anybody thinks it would break anything. 

are you suggesting removing the extra.conf functionality, or making it

extra.conf is extremely convenient...


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