On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

[a snippet from a recent post to new-httpd]

> btw, if you're using httpd-test, its easy to reproduce.
> in httpd-test/perl_framework run:
> % t/TEST -d
> to start under gdb, then in another xterm (same directory):
> % t/TEST t/modules/cgi.t

Hmm, Doug, how about having one instance of a script that does everything?

% t/TEST -d t/modules/cgi.t

So if there is some ARGV, -d starts the gdb process via fork, a moment
before the test is fired, and the parent process redirects STDOUT to
STDERR so it won't mess up the gdb screen. or something similar, like just
working through the pipe in the forked process.

I know we know how to do that, but many people won't understand it. If we
make it really simple, we will get more added value from users [testers].

I was thinking to go even further in automating things:

I'm sick of sending replies 'read SUPPORT' to people on the mod_perl list
who reports segv, without providing the calls trace. It's a known
fact, that people don't RTFM :(

Wouldn't it be cool to have ./t/TEST generate the calls trace for your on
segv (we already do scan for the core file), so fire gdb, generate the
trace and save it into a file, now use ./util/bugreport.pl and get the
email ready.

Also did you see Devel::DebugInit::GDB on CPAN? Didn't try it yet, but it

Devel::DebugInit is aimed at C/C++ developers who want access to C macro
definitions from within a debugger. It provides a simple and automated way
of creating debugger initialization files for a specific project. The
initialization files created contain user-defined functions built from the
macro definitions in the project's header files.

I thought that we might load the macros automatically when -d is used.
like curinfo and friends.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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