On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 03:36:00PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
+ I have no clue what happened, but HEAD is failing most of the module
+ tests in httpd-test.  I have no diffs in my tree, and I am updated to 
+ the latest, and this is a fresh build (make clean && make all).
+ I'm trying to confirm my input filtering patch and include test #17
+ is failing with my changes - which looks to be inc-rfile.shtml.  The 
+ following test log is from a machine *without* my input filtering 
+ updates - it fails even worse.
+ My feeling is that this is related to one of wrowe's changes.  I'll 
+ try to dig around later tonight, but no promises.  I have class for 
+ the next few hours...
+ Can anyone else reproduce this?  -- justin

i am seeing the exact same thing.
dav tests are failing too, for what its worth.

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