Hi, attached are a t/php/getlastmod.t and t/htdocs/php/getlastmod.php, a
regression test for the PHP getlastmod() function.

Please excuse my poor Perl code in these... :)
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestRequest;
use Apache::TestUtil;

use POSIX qw(strftime);

plan tests => 1, have_module 'php4';

my $vars = Apache::Test::vars();
my $docroot = $vars->{documentroot};
my $fname = $docroot . "/php/getlastmod.php";
my $mtime = (stat($fname))[9] || die "could not find file";
my $month = strftime "%B", gmtime($mtime);

printf "# debug: month is %s\n", $month;

my $result = GET_BODY "/php/getlastmod.php";

ok t_cmp($result, $month);
<?php echo date("F", getlastmod()); ?>

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