Flood Developers on Solaris / in general:

The flood website says that the majority of the developers for the Flood
project have developed it using Solaris and Linux. Therefore I am curious
to know why I might be seeing different behavior when running keepalive
socket code on Solaris (than Win32 or Linux); specifically, it fails
assert code found in the source file flood_socket_keepalive.c, thus
aborting in the middle of a run with a core dump. This type of behavior
does not occur with the code I have running on a Win32 system.

Specifically, I want to know:
(1) What is the purpose of the assert here, and why might it be failing
specifically on a Solaris system?, and
(2) What would be a more graceful way of reporting this error rather than
aborting the system with a core dump? I have an exception reporting
mechanism in place, and just want to understand how the system should
recover in this case. It seems that the code is highly coupled with
notions of chunked encoding.

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