Geoffrey Young wrote:
that other thread was becoming too much to follow :)

Or would you rather say, that you are anxious to publish the article? ;)

I thought it might be a nice idea to wrap up the issues thus far because it seems to me we have a consensus on how to resolve the Apache::[Tt]est collision issues.

from what I can see, stas has come up with a few patches that make it possible for Apache-Test to be distributed such that current Apache::Test users will not need to make any interface changes. Apache::test users will need to install/upgrade to Apache-Test 1.03 in order to be certain that their tests will find the proper Apache::test module on all platforms (namely OS X). of course, this all assumes that the tests themselves are platform independent, in which case they would be failing anyway :)

in short, the current and documented API is remaining as is (barring any yet unseen issues :) and only users of the current Apache::test are affected.

does that about sum it up?

The latest development on this front is different. The idea is to leave Apache-Test as is, and rename Apache::test to Apache::testold or similar. Adjust mod_perl-1.28 to use Apache::testold and migrate all 3rd party modules to use Apache::testold by requiring mod_perl-1.28, or bundle the old Apache/test in their distros, untill they get a chance to port to Apache::Test.

I'm not sure if we should distribute Apache::testold in Apache-Test. I'd rather see this module as becoming deprecated.

Geoff, it'd be nice for your article to sum up this issue, once everybody is happy with it. Looks to me like a perfect place and time.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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