On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 12:35 PM, Jeremy Brown wrote: [...]
generators running FreeBSD 5.1

You might try other operating systems. I don't know how well FreeBSD compares, but I have had good luck on both Solaris (x86) and Linux 2.4.

Are there any tips to get more throughput on flood?

Depends on what you want to model. Do you want keepalive enabled? Do you want to simulate 7000 simultaneous connections, 7000 requests, or 7000 "users" (depending on your definition of a "user")?

Or any methods to optimize flood to run faster?

There are probably many things in flood that could be better tuned. We'll happily accept patches if you have any. :)

Also is there a way to turn off logging completely? The new server will
have logging enable to catch all the information. My job is to hit it as
hard as I possibly can with my resources. And to only show something if
there is a failure?

You could implement your own hooks in flood that simple disable output (or count
and don't display the results until the end).

I am using shell scripts of flood since megaconglomerate is not operating
at this time from what I have tested. Are there any recommendations for
doing this more effectively? Or is megaconglomerate really working?

Getting megaconglomerate working will probably have to wait until someone who needs it implements it.


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