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[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Wed Oct  1 19:28:43 2003]:

They are inherited from your httpd.conf installed system-wide. You probably have a stale one. Once you remove it it won't inherit them
any longer.

Yep, found and removed. Because I installed Apache as a package then
reinstalled manually to /usr/local, I had the original conf file in

It proves again and again that guessing is evil :(

With that file removed, I tried again and did not get all the LoadModule
lines into my generated httpd.conf. However, I did continue to get the
following lines:
  User nobody
  Group nobody

I run my webserver as user www and don't know where these were being
pulled from. I grepped the files in Apache::Test and didn't come across
it either. However, I discovered that I could override the values as

t/TEST -httpd /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -User www -Group www

The logic comes from: Apache-Test/lib/Apache/

If the server is run as non-root, it uses that user's uid/gid to configure. If run as root it tries 'nobody'. We could add 'www' as well, but someone may have both available, and others will have some other names. So again to avoid wrong guessing, probably the right solution is to inherit from the global httpd.conf, just like it inherits the LoadModule directives. Can you please try to fix that and send a patch?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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