On Mar 4, 2004, at 4:15 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

The patch below attempts to give users an idea to try before they rush to report a bug. For example:

waiting 120 seconds for server to start: not ok
giving up after 121 secs. If you think that your system
is slow or overloaded try again with a longer timeout value.
For example:
% /home/stas/apache.org/mp2-cvs/Apache-Test/t/TEST -startup_timeout=420

server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log)

Well, to be compliant with the output that Test::Harness expects, you should precede each line that's intended for the user rather than for Test Harness with "# ".

since most likely they run 'make test' I put that option first. How does that sound?

It'd be better if you could tell what they were running. It might have been "./Build test" (and will be more and more, as soon as Apache::TestMB is done).



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