On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Abhishek Khandelwal wrote:

> I am getting another strange problem.
> I compile and install apache 2.0.49 for both fedora core 1 and red-hat
> linux.
> Everything seems okay, and installs properly.
> When I start httpd manually, it start running and when I do wget using
> http://localhost It works fine in both the machines.
> But, when I run the test provided my perl-test-framework. And try to run
> the server using t/TEST -httpd-start, the server starts perfectly on
> Fedora core but it dies immediately with exit code 255 on Red-hat
> machine.
> Looking at the error log, in t/log/error_log directory, I see the error:
> [error] (38)Function not implemented: Cannot create SSLMutex

In the ssl portion of your system httpd.conf, if the
SSLMutex directive is not given as
   SSLMutex default
does changing it to that help?

best regards,
randy kobes

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