On Jul 2, 2004, at 9:34 AM, William McKee wrote:

Hi all,

Sorry about that false start. Lemme try this again! As I was saying,
David, thanks for adding support for Module::Build. I'm trying to
replace one of my existing projects using the Apache::TestMB module. It
works fine unless I try to do something with the return value from the

  my $build = $build_pkg->new(
    module_name => 'My::Module',
    dist_version => '0.1.0',

I was getting 1 back in $build. In preparing this email, I realized that
the results of new() are immediately calling create_build_script() which
is returning 1.

Oh, quite right. My fault. This patch fixes the docs:

--- TestMB.pm.~1.2.~    Fri Jun 25 18:55:53 2004
+++ TestMB.pm   Fri Jul  2 09:49:40 2004
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   my $build_pkg = eval { require Apache::TestMB }
       ? 'Apache::TestMB' : 'Module::Build';

-  my $build = $build_pkg->new(
+  $build_pkg->new(
       module_name => 'My::Module',

Now, that I have that issue figured out, I'm trying to use the build
object to generate a SMOKE script. The TEST script seems to be
automatically built. The generate_script() method that I was using with
A::TestMM is not available. Is there another way I should be generating
this script?

I don't know what's in the SMOKE script, since I never used it. You can use Apache::TestMB->generate_script, however; will that work? It should do pretty much the same things as Apache::TestMM::generate_smoke().



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