Geoffrey Young wrote:
why this change? is there anything wrong with -Mlib?

yes. the problem is that currently all.t does not get run properly from Apache-Test/. the current code adds makes @INC look like perl-framework/Apache-Test/Apache-Test/lib when running from the A-T directory.

right, so the solution is to expand it to the full path as everywhere
else. Don't rely on relative paths.

the problem isn't relative versus absolute paths - vars{'top_dir'} is
already absolute.  the problem is that top_dir is different when run from
perl-framework/ versus perl-framework/Apache-Test/ - so
perl-framework/t/php/all.t hits that code and all is well,
perl-framework/Apache-Test/t/more/all.t hits it and can't find the proper lib.

I thought there was some code I could use to resolve the issue for me (in
the "I've moved t/" code) but I didn't see it.

Ah sorry, I've missed the Apache-Test/Apache-Test/ concat.

Still this is a run-time thingy, why can't you check at run time whether a directory exists and pick the right one? Pushing both just in case, doesn't sound right.

Me thinking that run_t simply wasn't adjusted to accomodate the change of moving into t/ on the startup. See what I mean?

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