On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 13:40:31 +0300

> Hello,
>   while using flood with 40MB config file,

That's quite a size. Can you give more details on it? In particular how many
url's/url lists do you have, and how many farmers are running them in

> it takes all RAM, swap and takes the server down.

You mean: 'takes the client down', yes? The server can go down under heavy
load, and you schould use other performance related tools to find out why.

If you happen to run HTTP server and flood on the same machine, then this is
not such a good idea. With that big config file you are sure to have flood and
http daemon race for resources (which distorts overall results).

> Even for 5MB config file 768MB of RAM and 512MB of swap was not
> enough.

Ugh. That sounds bad. Again, some more details about your configuration
(url/urllist/farmer) can shed some light here.

> Unfortunatelly i'm not sure about version i'm using, seems that it's 1.x,
> but i can't find where is it written.

Look at your flood source tree, find file 'config.h' (top source dir) and
check for define FLOOD_VERSION. If you don't have source code, then you have
to run flood against httpd server, and check server logs for User-Agent string
which contains flood version. Ughh... this is really twisted. We schould think
about -v switch :)

Jacek Prucia

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