William McKee wrote:
On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 01:56:05PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:

So all the problems you have reported before are now resolved, William?

I knew you were going to ask me that <g>! It's not necessarily the case.
I did not do a complete test under Windows using my test suite; I just
ran the basic tests that come with A::T. I'll try to get to that over
the weekend and let you know.

Sure. Take your time, William.

I think at least the problem of the endless interactive config loop has been solved now.

Yes, I'm not seeing that behavior (although I might be specifying the
httpd path by habit when I run `perl Makefile.PL`).

OK, I tested the new release with my full test suite and am still
getting "Statement unlikely to be reached" failures in TestRun.pm at
lines 643 and 747. I'm simply patching this file which works for my
needs. It seems this is a perl issue under Win32; I'm still running
5.8.3 on that platform.

Well, I tried to fix it some time ago, but w/o being able to reproduce it I wasn't very successful. If you have ideas to what could be the problem, please let us know/send a patch. It's interesting that no other win32 user has complained about this. Randy, have you possibly seen this?
The original William's report can be found here:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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