Geoffrey Young wrote:

Stas Bekman wrote:

+ save no-httpd one-process);

may be it's better to use _ instead of - in the option names, so one
doesn't need to quote them in the code. -no_httpd, -one_process. It's
especially nice for -one_process, since it's the same as -DONE_PROCESS.
Consistency is good :)

drat, I didn't read this in time.  sorry.

I suppose we can do that, but it would mean changing all of these:

  -no-httpd      run the tests without configuring or starting httpd
  -one-process   run the server in single process mode
  -run-tests     run the tests
  -start-httpd   start the test server
  -stop-httpd    stop the test server

while -no-httpd isn't that big of a deal since it's new, -run-tests,
-start-httpd, and -stop-httpd might be a bigger issue.  well, issue is kinda
strong, but you get the idea...

ah, I forgot that we had others as well. So never mind.

odd that legacy TestConfig arguments all have underscores, while TestRun
arguments have dashes.  maybe it's to remind you that TestConfig uses "-apxs
/foo/apxs" (no equals) while TestRun uses "-debug=ddd" (equals).  yet
another fine example of consistency in this codebase ;)

Consistency above all :)

p.s. that config vs run options syntax difference is certainly confusing

-- __________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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