I checked the archived mailing lists but didn't find any references to this question. I had one hit in Google, but it was someone asking basically the same question and there was no answer in the thread. So here I go, hope someone can help!

I first tried to build Apache::Test v1.16 via PERL CPAN. I gave a warning message because I was running as root and it needed to drop priv to nobody but that meant all dirs needed to be rwx for nobody down to .../Apache-Test-1.16/t. The make test process gave an informative suggestion that this can be accomplished by moving Apache-Test-1.16 into /tmp. I did that and then did a find to chmod all dirs below and including Apache-Test-1.16 to 777.

  I did a make clean
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test

This time I get a different error message, it appears to success past the original 'nobody' problem. The output is:

[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
APXS (/usr/sbin/apxs) query for SBINDIR failed
APXS (/usr/sbin/apxs) query for TARGET failed
APXS (/usr/sbin/apxs) query for SYSCONFDIR failed
APXS (/usr/sbin/apxs) query for LIBEXECDIR failed
APXS (/usr/sbin/apxs) query for LIBEXECDIR failed
[warning] root mode: changing the files ownership to 'nobody' (99:99)
[warning] testing whether 'nobody' is able to -rwx /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t
"/usr/bin/perl" -Mlib=lib -MApache::TestRun -e 'eval { Apache::TestRun::run_root_fs_test(99, 99, q[/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t]) }';

[warning] result: OK
[warning] the client side drops 'root' permissions and becomes 'nobody'
/usr/sbin/httpd -d /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t -f /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D PERL_USEITHREADS
using Apache/2.0.46 (prefork MPM)

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 92 of /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'TypesConfig', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[ error]
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start the server in the debug mode)
make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

- - -

I've attached /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/httpd.conf to this e-mail. Specifically, line 92 is:

TypesConfig "/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/mime.types"

Is TypesConfig not recognized by Apache/2.0.46 (the latest Apache that comes with RedHat Enterprise Linux Workstation version 3.0)?

I thought about exiting the t/conf/httpd.conf file but it says not to right at the top.

Also, during make test, it asks where apxs is installed but says, "If you don't have it installed it's not a problem. Just press Enter."

I don't know if that is related to this or not, but I did see APXS ... failed messages during the make test.

Thanks for any help! If you need anymore details or need to run some tests, I'll be happy to.
# WARNING: this file is generated, do not edit
# 01: lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:898
# 02: lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:916
# 03: lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:1495
# 04: lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:501
# 05: lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:720
# 06: lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:720
# 07: /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/TEST:50

User    nobody
Group    nobody
ServerName localhost.localdomain:8529

ServerRoot   "/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t"
DocumentRoot "/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/htdocs"

PidFile     /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/logs/httpd.pid
ErrorLog    /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/logs/error_log
LogLevel    debug

<IfModule mod_log_config.c>
    TransferLog /tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/logs/access_log


#needed for http/1.1 testing
KeepAlive       On

HostnameLookups Off

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None

<IfModule worker.c>
    StartServers         1
    MinSpareThreads      1
    MaxSpareThreads      1
    ThreadsPerChild      1
    MaxClients           2
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<IfModule perchild.c>
    NumServers           1
    StartThreads         1
    MinSpareThreads      1
    MaxSpareThreads      1
    MaxThreadsPerChild   2
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<IfModule prefork.c>
    StartServers         1
    MinSpareServers      1
    MaxSpareServers      1
    MaxClients           2
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<IfDefine APACHE1>
    StartServers         1
    MinSpareServers      1
    MaxSpareServers      1
    MaxClients           2
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<IfModule mpm_winnt.c>
    ThreadsPerChild      50
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<Location /server-info>
    SetHandler server-info

<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status

<IfModule mod_alias.c>
    Alias /getfiles-binary-perl /usr/bin/perl
    Alias /getfiles-perl-pod /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/pod
    Alias /getfiles-binary-httpd /usr/sbin/httpd

TypesConfig "/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/mime.types"
Include "/tmp/Apache-Test-1.16/t/conf/extra.conf"

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