Stas Bekman wrote:

Chris, if you are still looking at what to do to improve A-T, I think this two new todo items might be of interest to you.

I'm knee deep in another project at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get sick of it and need a break by the end of the weekend.

No problem, there is no hurry, those are nice to have things. also these two items shouldn't take more than an hour, probably most of the time will be spent for testing

I still need to take a crack at the mp2 RC and see if it will build on my setup as well.

that's definitely more important!

I would think so. I did a quick test that night, and I still couldn't do a stock "perl Makefile.PL" and have it find libs without doing "perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=C:\Development\Apache2" instead. I thought there were a few patches for that, but maybe not.

since I hadn't spent more than 2 minutes on the process, I didn't submit a bug report as of yet.


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