On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 11:46:59PM -0500, Stas Bekman wrote:
> But I don't think A-T should try to load any module someone may need in
> their test suite. It does have a bunch of mp2 specific things which should
> be wiped away and moved into the mp2 test suite.

Yes, originally I was trying to make the test load the module when it
plans with need_module().  But I realized later that the config file was
cached when MM/MB is invoked.  So I forced it to load the two modules
which A-T's own test wants.

> This is your own test suite that you have the problem with, right? In
> which case I'd prefer to see a patch which subclasses Apache::TestConfig,
> so any test suite using A-T could decide which modules it wants to enforce
> loading from t/TEST. As we don't have any examples of how to subclass
> A-TC, let me know if you need help (it might be a tricky thing to do). You
> can see how we subclass Apache::TestRun in Apache-Test/t/TEST.PL.

As said earlier, this was to make A-T's test suite actually runs the cookie
tests when mod_cgi is built as dso, and has nothing to do with my own tests.

My current tests are just using A-TC to write the config, not the whole TR
framework, so I'm forcing the load of mod_dav_svn directly.

(see: http://svn.clkao.org/svnweb/svk/checkout/trunk/t/50dav.t)


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