torsdag 13 januari 2005 04.05 skrev Stas Bekman:
> Oden Eriksson wrote:
> >>>I have been struggling for several hours now trying to understand how
> >>>Apache-Test is supposed to work with mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3, apache-2.0.52
> >>>and Mandrakelinux. I'm maintaining these softwares in Mandrakelinux.
> >>>
> >>>Apache-Test seems to think it's a apache-1.x environment passing -D
> >>>APACHE1 and for example using "Port" in the generated config file. Even
> >>>though I have constructed a file it still wants to put
> >>> Port in the generated file. I'm very confused..., and no perl hacker.
> >>
> >>don't touch httpd.conf. will be ignored. if you want to add
> >>more config it has to be named differently. Please see:
> >
> > Oh, I was reading Apache-Test/README and the "Cheat List" section. I says
> > this was the thing to do. I first tried to put my file in
> > Apache-Test/t/conf/ but that was ignored. Then I put it in t/conf/ and
> > that actually worked better until I got "Port" in the generated file for
> > some reason...
> Hmm, I had no idea we had this feature. I guess it exists then. My
> apologies for misleading you, Oden.

No problem, but you might be right as I didn't get it to work ;)

> >>
> >>ur ation_Setup I guess it should say that people must not create
> >>
> >>
> >>please explain in detail (show the commands) what are doing, since I
> >> don't understand how did you get A-T think it's running apache1.
> >
> > Nothing fancy, make is (excuse the rpm stuff):
> >
> > %{__perl} Makefile.PL \
> > %if %{build_debug}
> >     MP_MAINTAINER=1 \
> >     MP_TRACE=1 \
> >     MP_CCOPTS="$(%{apxs} -q CFLAGS) -g3 -Werror" \
> > %else
> >     MP_CCOPTS="$(%{apxs} -q CFLAGS)" \
> > %endif
> >     MP_APXS=%{apxs} \
> >     MP_APR_CONFIG=%{_bindir}/apr-config \
> >     MP_INST_APACHE2=1 \
> >     INSTALLDIRS=vendor </dev/null
> >
> > "make test" gives:
> >
> > unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.5
> > /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
> > [  error] Found mod_perl/1.999020, but it can't be used with
> > Apache-PREFORK-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.52
> > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > | Please file a bug report: |
> >
> > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> > make: *** [run_tests] Error 1
> >
> > Here I suspected it didn't like my funny server string, so I commented
> > lines 61-65 in the Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ file and that
> > gives:
> may be we should stop trying to parse the leading string and just gor for
> "/x.y.zz" part. Otherwise we will never satisfy everybody.

That would be nice.

> > [...]
> >
> > /usr/bin/perl5.8.5 -Iblib/arch/Apache2 -Iblib/lib/Apache2 \
> > t/TEST -clean
> > [warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
> > ulimit -c
> > unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.5
> > /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/TEST -clean
> > /usr/bin/perl5.8.5 -Iblib/arch/Apache2 -Iblib/lib/Apache2 \
> > t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
> > [warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
> > ulimit -c
> > unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.5
> > /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
> > /usr/sbin/httpd2  -d /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t
> > -f /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE1
> > using Apache-PREFORK-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.52 (prefork MPM)
> >
> > waiting 120 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 27
> > of /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/httpd.conf:
> > Port was replaced with Listen in Apache 2.0
> Please post the output of:
> % t/TEST -conf -trace=debug


> I think what happens is this. MP_INST_APACHE2=1 tweaks Makefile to insert
> mp2 modules into Apache2 subdir, but since you use a custom INSTALLDIRS it
> fails to do that. And then:
>      if ($rev == 2) {
>          eval { require Apache2 && require mod_perl };
>      } else {
>          eval { require mod_perl };
>      }
> loads modperl1.
> but I've just tried here with the same options and it works fine.

I also tried to leave out MP_INST_APACHE2=1  as well as not having 
mod_perl-common-1.3.31_1.29-3mdk installed.

I just saw this:

Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:

But the file is there.

> >>A-T is bundled with modperl and it's the one that should be run. Not any
> >>previously installed A-T.
> >
> > The system is clean except for parts of mod_perl 1.x that seems to be a
> > requisite to get this mod_perl pick up missing pieces. Here's what's
> > installed:
> what do you mean requisite? you mean mp2 requires mp1?

Maybe it's a thing of the past, or I'm just too tired right now. At one time I 
saw something like "Found mod_perl-1.x, good, will install relatively to 
Apache2/". And that message was despite the MP_INST_APACHE2=1 thing.

I tried to reproduce this but failed.

> > $ rpm -ql mod_perl-common-1.3.31_1.29-3mdk | grep "/usr/lib/"
> [...]
> > /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/mod_perl_tunin
> >g.pod

Regards // Oden Eriksson
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.5 
/home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/TEST -conf -trace=debug
[  debug] loading custom config data from: 
[  debug] overlaying custom config data
[  debug] configuring httpd
[  debug] Using httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd2
[  debug] isolated httpd_info VERSION = 
[  debug] isolated httpd_info BUILT = Jan 12 2005 18:38:46
[  debug] isolated httpd_info MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 20020903:9
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APACHE_MPM_DIR = server/mpm/prefork
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_HAS_SENDFILE = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_HAS_MMAP = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled) 
= 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_USE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZE = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines AP_HAVE_RELIABLE_PIPED_LOGS = 1
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines HTTPD_ROOT = /etc/httpd/2.0
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines SUEXEC_BIN = /usr/sbin/apache2-suexec
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines DEFAULT_PIDLOG = /var/run/
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD = logs/apache_runtime_status
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines DEFAULT_LOCKFILE = /var/run/accept.lock
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines DEFAULT_ERRORLOG = logs/error_log
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE = conf/mime.types
[  debug] isolated httpd_defines SERVER_CONFIG_FILE = conf/httpd2.conf
[  debug] inheriting config file: /usr/conf/httpd2.conf
[  debug] Matched Apache revision Apache-PREFORK-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.52 1
[warning] cleaning out current configuration
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/process.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/util.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/server_rec.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/setauth.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/filter/out_str_eval.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/util/
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/index.html
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/dir_config.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apache/util.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/apache_file.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/hooks/headerparser.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/aplog.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/apache_table.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/query.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/directive/pod.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/methodname.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/subenv.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/threadmutex.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/endav.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/methodobj.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/env.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/perl/api.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/util/
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/hooks/fixup.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/response.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/apache_util.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/socket.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/taint.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/method.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/filter/out_str_api.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/directive/cmdparms.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/os.t
[  debug] unlink 
/home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/logs/apache_runtime_status.sem: No 
such file or directory
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/pnotes.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/extra.conf
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/conn_rec.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/httpd.conf
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/base64.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/flatten.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/mime.types
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/hooks/set_handlers.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/date.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/table.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/directive/perldo.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apache/write.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/access.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/finfo.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/apache.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/server_const.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/util/
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/extra.last.conf
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apache/subprocess.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/uri.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/util.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/conn_util.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/perlio.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/conn_rec.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/brigade.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/server_util.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/command.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/show.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/printf.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/error/api.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/perl/signals.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/request_util.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/lookup_uri2.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/uri.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/util/
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/pool.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apache/conftree.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/print.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/modperl/perl.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/module.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/request.t
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink 
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/ipsubnet.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/bucket.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/sockaddr.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/uuid.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/apr/string.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/compat/apache_uri.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/api/sub_request.t
[  debug] unlink /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/directive/env.t
[  debug] rmdir /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/logs
[  debug] rmdir /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/util
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir 
[  debug] rmdir /home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/htdocs/testdirective
[  debug] found => /usr/lib64/apache2/
[  debug] generating conf/mime.types
[  debug] generating htdocs/index.html
[  debug] Will 'Include' 
/home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/extra.conf config file
[  debug] Will 'Include' 
/home/oden/RPM/BUILD/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/t/conf/extra.last.conf config file
[  debug] generating conf/extra.conf from 
[  debug] generating conf/extra.last.conf from 
[  debug] generating conf/httpd.conf
[  debug] found => /usr/lib64/apache2/
[  debug] unable to locate (could be a static build)

[  debug] generating conf/
[  debug] generating conf/
[  debug] configuring TestPerl::api
[  debug] generating perl/api.t
[  debug] configuring TestPerl::hash_attack
[  debug] configuring TestPerl::signals
[  debug] generating perl/signals.t
[  debug] configuring TestUser::rewrite
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::setupenv
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perldo
[  debug] generating directive/perldo.t
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::env
[  debug] generating directive/env.t
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::pod
[  debug] generating directive/pod.t
[  debug] configuring TestError::api
[  debug] generating error/api.t
[  debug] configuring TestError::syntax
[  debug] configuring TestError::runtime
[  debug] configuring TestVhost::config
[  debug] configuring TestVhost::log
[  debug] configuring TestApache::read
[  debug] configuring TestApache::discard_rbody
[  debug] configuring TestApache::conftree
[  debug] generating apache/conftree.t
[  debug] generating htdocs/util/
[  debug] generating htdocs/util/
[  debug] generating htdocs/util/
[  debug] generating htdocs/util/
[  debug] configuring TestApache::subprocess
[  debug] generating apache/subprocess.t
[  debug] configuring TestApache::cgihandler
[  debug] configuring TestApache::scanhdrs
[  debug] configuring TestApache::content_length_header
[  debug] configuring TestApache::util
[  debug] generating apache/util.t
[  debug] configuring TestApache::send_cgi_header
[  debug] configuring TestApache::read2
[  debug] configuring TestApache::write
[  debug] generating apache/write.t
[  debug] configuring TestApache::post
[  debug] configuring TestApache::scanhdrs2
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache_util
[  debug] generating compat/apache_util.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::conn_rec
[  debug] generating compat/conn_rec.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache_uri
[  debug] generating compat/apache_uri.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::conn_authen
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::send_fd
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::request_body
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache_table
[  debug] generating compat/apache_table.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::request
[  debug] generating compat/request.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache_file
[  debug] generating compat/apache_file.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache
[  debug] generating compat/apache.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::merge
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::perl_options
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::print_utf8
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::dir_config
[  debug] generating modperl/dir_config.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::subenv
[  debug] generating modperl/subenv.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::endav
[  debug] generating modperl/endav.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::setupenv
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::io_with_closed_stds
[  debug] generating modperl/io_with_closed_stds.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::cookie
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::pnotes
[  debug] generating modperl/pnotes.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::current_callback
[  debug] generating modperl/current_callback.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::exit
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::print_utf8_2
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::io_nested_with_closed_stds
[  debug] generating modperl/io_nested_with_closed_stds.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::env
[  debug] generating modperl/env.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::getc
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::request_rec_perlio_api
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::post_utf8
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::request_rec_tie_api
[  debug] generating modperl/request_rec_tie_api.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::taint
[  debug] generating modperl/taint.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::sameinterp
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::print
[  debug] generating modperl/print.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::util
[  debug] generating modperl/util.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::cookie2
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::status
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::perl
[  debug] generating modperl/perl.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::methodobj
[  debug] generating modperl/methodobj.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::method
[  debug] generating modperl/method.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::setauth
[  debug] generating modperl/setauth.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::readline
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::methodname
[  debug] generating modperl/methodname.t
[  debug] configuring TestModperl::printf
[  debug] generating modperl/printf.t
[  debug] configuring TestModules::include_subreq
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgi
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgipost
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgiupload2
[  debug] configuring TestModules::reload
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgiupload
[  debug] configuring TestModules::proxy
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgi2
[  debug] configuring TestModules::cgipost2
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::sub_request
[  debug] generating api/sub_request.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::server_const
[  debug] generating api/server_const.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::response
[  debug] generating api/response.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::conn_rec
[  debug] generating api/conn_rec.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::lookup_uri2
[  debug] generating api/lookup_uri2.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::in_out_filters
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::custom_response
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::sendfile
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::server_rec
[  debug] generating api/server_rec.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::show
[  debug] generating api/show.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::access
[  debug] generating api/access.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::request_util
[  debug] generating api/request_util.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::rflush
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::aplog
[  debug] generating api/aplog.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::server_util
[  debug] generating api/server_util.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::access2
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::content_encoding
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::slurp_filename
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::module
[  debug] generating api/module.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::process
[  debug] generating api/process.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::err_headers_out
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::internal_redirect
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::uri
[  debug] generating api/uri.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::query
[  debug] generating api/query.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::command
[  debug] generating api/command.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::request_subclass
[  debug] generating api/request_subclass.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::status
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::conn_util
[  debug] generating api/conn_util.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::lookup_misc
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::lookup_uri
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::internal_redirect_handler
[  debug] configuring TestAPI::request_rec
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::threadmutex
[  debug] generating apr/threadmutex.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::date
[  debug] generating apr/date.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::brigade
[  debug] generating apr/brigade.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::pool_lifetime
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::string
[  debug] generating apr/string.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::os
[  debug] generating apr/os.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::finfo
[  debug] generating apr/finfo.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::perlio
[  debug] generating apr/perlio.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::ipsubnet
[  debug] generating apr/ipsubnet.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::table
[  debug] generating apr/table.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::uri
[  debug] generating apr/uri.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::util
[  debug] generating apr/util.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::uuid
[  debug] generating apr/uuid.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::bucket
[  debug] generating apr/bucket.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::sockaddr
[  debug] generating apr/sockaddr.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::socket
[  debug] generating apr/socket.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::flatten
[  debug] generating apr/flatten.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::pool
[  debug] generating apr/pool.t
[  debug] configuring TestAPR::base64
[  debug] generating apr/base64.t
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::pseudo_http
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_bbs2
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_block
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_timeout
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_filter
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_bbs
[  debug] configuring TestProtocol::echo_nonblock
[  debug] configuring TestPreConnection::note
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::trans
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::headerparser
[  debug] generating hooks/headerparser.t
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::hookrun
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::push_handlers_same_phase
[  debug] generating hooks/push_handlers_same_phase.t
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::authz
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::access
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::stacked_handlers
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::inlined_handlers
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::push_handlers
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::fixup
[  debug] generating hooks/fixup.t
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::startup
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::set_handlers
[  debug] generating hooks/set_handlers.t
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::push_handlers_blessed
[  debug] generating hooks/push_handlers_blessed.t
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::cleanup
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::cleanup2
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::stacked_handlers2
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::authen_basic
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::init
[  debug] configuring TestHooks::authen_digest
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_lc
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_subreq_default
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_error
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_req_eos
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_init_basic
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_eval
[  debug] generating filter/out_str_eval.t
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_reverse
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_declined
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_req_mix
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::both_str_req_proxy
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_init_basic
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_consume
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_declined
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_bin_data
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_remove
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_bbs_inject_header
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_bbs_filebucket
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_bbs_basic
[  debug] generating filter/out_bbs_basic.t
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_autoload
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::both_str_con_add
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::both_str_req_add
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_bbs_consume
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_subreq_modperl
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::both_str_native_remove
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_sandwich
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_bbs_body
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::both_str_req_mix
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_lc
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_bbs_ctx
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_api
[  debug] generating filter/out_str_api.t
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_bbs_msg
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::out_str_ctx
[  debug] configuring TestFilter::in_str_msg
[  debug] generating 
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlmodule
[  debug] generating htdocs/testdirective/vh/ApacheTest/
[  debug] generating htdocs/testdirective/main/ApacheTest/
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlrequire
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule2
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule3
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule4
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule5
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule
[  debug] generating directive/perlloadmodule.t
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::cmdparms
[  debug] generating directive/cmdparms.t
[  debug] configuring TestCompat::apache_module
[  debug] generating compat/apache_module.t
[  debug] configuring TestDirective::perlloadmodule6
[  debug] generating conf/
[  debug] saving config data to
[warning] reconfiguration done

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