Gavin Carr wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 09:26:53AM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
>>>I'm trying to test a C module against both apache2 and apache1. apache1
>>>is working beautifully, but when I attempt to reconfigure for apache2
>>>(stock FC1), A::T (1.20) keeps complaining about finding mod_perl 1. I'm
>>>  ./TEST -clean
>>>  ./TEST -apxs /usr/sbin/apxs -conf
>>when I run tests against both apache 1 and apache 2 I generally 'make
>>realclean' and then re- "perl Makefile.PL -apxs..." and it works just fine.
>>if you look in t/TEST you'll probably see your old -apxs path in there.
>>well, that is, if you specified -apxs when building your Makefile :)
> Since this is a C module I'm actually just using a static TEST like this:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl
>   use strict;
>   use warnings FATAL => 'all';
>   use Apache::TestRunPerl;
>   Apache::TestRunPerl->new->run(@ARGV);

since it's just a C module and you don't need mod_perl you should change
that Apache::TestRunPerl to just Apache::TestRun.  that should make A-T use
the inherited mod_perl from httpd.conf instead of hunting around for it.

> straight out of one of the A::T tutorials.

you should check out the code from the tutorial I gave at ApacheCon.  the
code is here

and the tutorial slides are here

pay particular attention to mod_example_ipc-install in the code tarball.
basically, put your C module in c-modules following the pattern you'll see
there (filenames and directory names and declarations are important).  then
let Perl manage t/TEST and the Makefile for you using makefile.

> No change with APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1, and I don't have a
> ~/.apache-test at all. Nothing actually ends up in t/conf after the -conf
> run either - it looks like it's just bailing out.

hmm, that's odd.

> Any further suggestions of where to look? Might be perl debugger time ...

I would start with copying the workflow I outline in the tarball I mentioned
above.  it's a bit different than what you're doing now, so it may feel
strange, but give it a whirl and see if it works.  then you can decide if
you like it or not :)



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