On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:10:11PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> I am trying to add a test for the proxy balancer stuff.

yay! :)

> In extra.conf.in I have:
>   <IfModule mod_proxy_balancer.c>
>      <VirtualHost proxy_http_bal1>
>         DocumentRoot @SERVERROOT@/htdocs/modules/proxy
>      </VirtualHost>
>      <VirtualHost proxy_http_bal2>
>         DocumentRoot @SERVERROOT@/htdocs/modules/proxy
>      </VirtualHost>
>   </IfModule>
> to define the 2 balanced proxies
> Now I also have in proxy.conf.in:
>   <IfModule mod_proxy_balancer.c>
>    <VirtualHost _default_:mod_proxy_balancer>
>      <Proxy balancer://foo>
>        BalancerMember http://proxy_http_bal1  loadfactor=1
>        BalancerMember http://proxy_http_bal2  loadfactor=1
>      </Proxy>
>      ProxySet balancer://foo lbmethod=bytraffic
>      <Location /baltest>
>        ProxyPass balancer://foo/
>      </Location>
>    </VirtualHost>
>   </IfModule>
> Now, the rub is that those 2 BalancerMember lines (http:// ...)
> should actually have the url for the 2 balanced proxies
> (localhost:port)... But I can't for the life of me figure
> out how to obtain what the auto-gen'ed port numbers for those
> 2 balanced vhosts will be.

Hmm - do you really need the special vhosts if they will just behave the 
same as the default server?  You can use @SERVERNAME@:@PORT@ to get that 
vhost name out.


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