On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

If this point was reached, it would break Win32, plus
any other system which didn't have an ldd in the PATH.
Perhaps Apache::TestConfig::which() could be used to
see if an ldd() [or otool()] is present, and skip this
part if it's not found?

I guess qx{} is different on win32 ?
Take from example on my FBSD box which does not have 'otool'

% perl -e 'my $command = "otool -L /bin/ls"; qx{$command}; print "\ndone.\n"'


I don't think it matters, but at rate, Apache::TestConfig::which() will better find ldd/otool.

I think the use of which() is better - what would have happened before is that a message:
   'ldd' is not recognized as an internal or external
    command, operable program, or batch file.
would appear with Win32, which would be confusing.

Does win32 have an equivalent?

There are utilities on Win32 that give extra information
like this; I'll take a look later at them to see which
might be useful. But for now, I'd suggest doing it without
Win32, as you have it. Thanks.

best regards,

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