Sander Temme wrote:

Finally, please make sure that you have permission from your company to submit patches. Submitting material means that you give it, and its copyright, to the Apache Software Foundation. Covalent has a long history of contributing to the ASF, and I don't think you'll have any problems. Folks like wrowe and Jim Jagielski can undoubtedly provide you with guidance.

ACK, Covalent has a CCLA on file; Zubin has authority to submit any
patches to the test framework, in fact any fixes he discovers that don't
apply to covalent propritary technologies (and he's clear on which those
few items are, and knows to confirm with Jim or myself if such items
would be generally useful.)

Zubin, before you can submit larger modules (as opposed to short 10
line patches), you should fax or snail mail to Jim an individual CLA,
granting your own personal contributions to the Apache Software
Foundation (the CCLA already covers the grant by Covalent); see...

Welcome :)


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