Dear Test Community: Being in the queue for Proven-Tester status and waiting for a mentor I am spending my time testing packages as they reach updates-testing. I thought I'd share for discussion the protocol I am using when I have a test night. Keep in mind I wrote this for my use on a Host System with 6 VMs {2-F12; 2-F13 and 2-F14 when released}, but I think portions will have broader applications.
***************************************************************************************************** # Steps used to provide karma for updates-testing releases 1. run ./ and install all updates from updates-testing into all VMs # Apply the following to each VM once the script concludes 2. Open the VM with the GUI tool and perform System - Shutdown - Restart **** SYSTEM MUST REBOOT WITHOUT ERROR OR AVC DENIAL ****** **** In case of an error or avc denial -- report -1 karma against the offending package **** It may be necessary to fresh install and install updates-testing on at a time to find offender 3. Open terminal and run yum list installed | grep updates-testing >> packs-to-test-$(Date) 4. In First Terminal nano packs-to-test-$(DATE) 5. Test the application for any package you readily recognize and add # -1/0/+1 comment before the package in packs-to-test-$(DATE) 6. For packages you don't readily recognize in Second Terminal run command repoquery --alldeps --whatrequires packagename 7. Test an application related to the package and add # -1/0/+1 comment before the package in packs-to-test-$DATE 8. You may decide not to test a package in item 5 or 7 due to time or unfamiliarity this is OK. Volunteer Help and Testing is appreciated where you can. 9. When all package tests are complete save packs-to-test-$(DATE) and in Second Terminal run su -c "fedora-easy-karma" 10. You can CTRL-ALT-ARROW between terminals to get your logged tests results to input to fedora-easy-karma 11. Close the WM and proceed to the next test bed. ****************************************************************************************************** Hope this is a starting point and yes I welcome suggestions to make me a better tester, Bob Lightfoot - boblfoot -- test mailing list To unsubscribe: