Start       End         Name
Thu 15-Jul  Thu 22-Jul  Pre-Alpha Rawhide Acceptance Test Plan #2
Thu 22-Jul  Thu 29-Jul  Pre-Alpha Rawhide Acceptance Test Plan #3
Fri 23-Jul  Fri 23-Jul  Alpha Blocker Meeting (f14alpha) #2
Mon 26-Jul  Fri 30-Jul  Daily Review & Notification of Open Alpha 
Blocker Bugs
Tue 27-Jul  Tue 27-Jul  Feature Freeze (Testable|Complete)
Tue 27-Jul  Tue 27-Jul  Spins Freeze--All Fedora 14 Spins Identified
Thu 29-Jul  Wed 04-Aug  Test Alpha 'Test Compose'
Fri 30-Jul  Fri 30-Jul  Alpha Blocker Meeting (f14alpha) #3
Tue 03-Aug  Tue 03-Aug  Alpha Change Deadline

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Or maybe you've found something you believe would work better in the 

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important details as they happen:
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