#115: F14 netinstall failing
 Reporter:  metabox      |       Owner:           
     Type:  defect       |      Status:  new      
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  Fedora 14
Component:  Test Review  |     Version:  2.0      
 Keywords:               |  
 = bug description = Downloaded latest netinstall iso and ran it as a VM
 with qemu. I chose to do a minimal install. All went well* until we were
 installing the final package (199/199) and then the install failed whilst
 starting the graphical install part with an abnormal exit, which is
 attached in a screenshot.

 = bug analysis = python related, sorry that's all

 = fix recommendation = TBD

 * = The artwork for the install was all still F13 based.

 1) I hope this is the right time to raise a bug against the netinstall,
 not too early.
 2) I am sorry if I should have also lodged in the testing table for
 installs, I couldn't recall where the web page was.
 3) If this needs to go the redhat bugzilla let me know and i'll put there.


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