On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 09:20 -0700, John Poelstra wrote:
> Thu 05-Aug  Thu 12-Aug  Test Alpha Candidate
> Tue 10-Aug  Tue 10-Aug  Start Alpha Beat and Feature Page Review
> Tue 10-Aug  Thu 12-Aug  Comb Beats and Feature Pages for Alpha
> Wed 11-Aug  Wed 11-Aug  Fedora 14 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting (17:00 EST)
> Thu 12-Aug  Thu 12-Aug  Fedora 14 Alpha Release Readiness Meeting
> Thu 12-Aug  Fri 13-Aug  Prepare Alpha Release Notes (1 page)
> Tue 17-Aug  Tue 17-Aug  Alpha Public Availability 

At the *risk* of being the boy who cried "at risk", the above milestones
are subject to a 1 week slip unless the following is met prior to the
go/no-go meeting.

     1. There are no OPEN blocker bugs --
     2. The test matrix is complete --

We're hoping, and working, for a heroic effort to resolve the remaining
firstboot systemd integration bug.  That will be followed by a RC#3, and
new test matrices.  In the meantime, you can help by adding results to
the RC#2 test matrix now.  The more results we have, the more confidence
we'll have that RC#3 will be F-14-Alpha.


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