On 08/10/10 10:52, He Rui wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 13:41 +0200, Joachim Backes wrote:
>> Hi F14 testers,
>> I'm having a F14/RC1 (i686)running, and now I burned the F14/RC2/DVD
>> (i686), booted from that DVD with saying "update an existing system". I
>> answered the question
>> for the partition to update (is the F14/RC1). Then I'm asked "select
>> data storage device" and "install target device" (why this, if I want to
>> update only ???), then pressing the "next" button, but nothing happens.
>> If I switch to some console window and switching back to the X11 window,
>> it becomes blanked, and all hangs.
>> Anybody made similar experiences?
> I tried to reproduce your problem by virt-installing F14/RC1 i386 first
> and upgrading it using F14-alpha-rc2 DVD, but it worked as expected
> without this issue happening. Did you see the bootloader configuration
> screen after selecting "update an existing system" and clicking next?

Yes, He, I saw the same storage window as during a fresh system install.
I selected the same  bootloader configuration as for F14/rc1.

> yes, which bootloader configuration method did you choose?

I have 3 SATA disks, and FC14/RC1 is installed on the third (/dev/sdc7).
This should be updated. I was prompted for partition selection for
update, I selected /dev/sdc7, and I additionally selected /dev/sdc in
the bootloader configuration screen (I hope, we mean the same screen).

> And please file a bug and updating the test matr...@] after you verify
> it.

Was already done yesterday:


Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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