On Thu, 2010-08-12 at 03:18 -0400, Kamil Paral wrote:
> ----- "He Rui" <r...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > >   2. Test report is shown once a test is completed.
> > > 
> > > The test is never completed, it runs infinitely over and over
> > again.
> > > It takes quite some time too.
> > > Also, no report is ever shown, just statistics are continuously
> > updated
> > > in the lower part of the screen.
> > > Very confusing.
> > 
> > If a test cycle is completed(From test#1 to test#8, About 5 mins for
> > 512M memory), A test result will be shown at the bottom:
> > 
> > ************ Pass Complete, no errors, press ESC to exit ************
> > 
> > 
> > I haven't met the failure status, but a relative result is supposed
> > to
> > be provided after one cycle is finished as well. 
> Ah, I never waited long enough to finish the whole test cycle :) But
> the instructions also says I should change the configuration, so I 
> changed configuration to do just test #2, and it did it like 20 times
> over with no end at all, just repeating itself. So it depends on user
> choice (and whether he knows this stuff).
> > > 
> > > I think this test case is needlessly overcomplicated. We just need
> > > to test that Memory Test available on installation media "just
> > works",
> > > right? So what about something like:
> > > 
> > > How to test:
> > >    1. Insert installation media and display its boot prompt
> > >    2. Select option Memory Test
> > >    3. Have the test running for a few moments
> > 
> > 'A few moments' should be more accurate, at least test#1 - test#8 is
> > finished.  
> > 
> > > 
> > > Expected results:
> > >    1. Memory test runs a tests your memory, it seems to work
> > correctly.
> > >    2. You can use configuration to change test settings, e.g. select
> > just
> > >       one single test out of the test set to be tested.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Sounds better?
> > 
> > Also add this one to verify the test result:
> > 
> > 3. Test Report(Or test result) is shown once a test
> > cycle(test#1-test#8)
> > is done. 
> > 
> I still think we shouldn't do this. Quick check whether memtest
> starts and runs ok is sufficient imho. Full RAM testing is:
> 1. time consuming
> 2. you never know how to handle potential error. it may be memtest
> issue, hardware issue, KVM issue, ...
> I understand you want to test full memtest featureset (all tests work
> etc), but we don't do that even for more important programs, it's just
> not efficient. Smoke testing is all I would do here (and that's exactly
> what I tried to capture in sentences "wait a few moments, memtest seems
> to work correctly").
I don't intend to cover all the memtest features, but think we should at
least check if there's a test result shown to reflect the test, that's
the main goal to run a memtest. 


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