On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:32:27 -0500, Aaron wrote:

> There's been a broken dependency between intellij-idea and jna-examples[1]
> for about a month now. jna-examples has been obsoleted by jna-contrib, but
> intellij-idea hasn't also been updated to handle this change, so jna fails
> to install.
> I was wondering whether the impetus lies on the JNA package to correct the
> broken dependency, or on the intellij-idea package to stay up to speed? As
> it stands, neither seems to be in any sort of hurry. ;)
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=619049


It's bit of "pointing finger at others" after breaking this dependency.

jna-contrib "Obsoletes: jna-examples" _without_ version and _without_
the corresponding "Provides: jna-examples = %{version}-%{release}" which
would be appropriate for package change of name.

 => jna-contrib ought to fix that
    intellij-idea may switch to requiring jna-contrib whenever it will
    be updated

Forcefully breaking the dependency (as has been done), is just poor style.

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