On 26th of August there was an OpenSCAP Test Day [1]. Thanks everyone
for showing up. The attendance was not absolutely great, but it was quite
decent taking into account this software is not widely known and used.

This test day has shown very helpful for OpenSCAP developers since many
problems were discovered. Some of them were reported into bugzilla, here's
the list:

627633 NEW  - [abrt] firstaidkit-engine-0.2.12-1.fc14: raise: Process 
/usr/bin/python was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
627600 NEW  - Set net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects for Hosts and Routers fails
627674 NEW  - Failures on F13
565691 ASSIGNED  - file probe eats too much memory even for small file lists
627488 CLOSED RAWHIDE - buffer overflow detected in xccdf_item_to_dom

Others were communicated over IRC, posted as wiki comments or put onto
fpaste. The soon-to-be-available OpenSCAP 0.6.2 version should address most
of those shortcomings. Developers also learnt an important lesson about
memory requirements of this software in different software setups, because
it caused problems on many computers.

Thanks developers for actively solving problems and posting fixed versions
and testers for helping to improve this upcoming Fedora 14 feature.

See you on the next test day,
Kamil Paral

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-08-26_OpenSCAP
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