On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 16:24 +1000, Rodd Clarkson wrote:

> Ah, and here I guess lies the problem.  The email from the fedora
> engineers (some weeks ago) quite clearly stated not to give this
> kernel karma points so that it didn't get pushed until they were sure
> it wouldn't cause issues, so I haven't been giving it negative karma
> as a result.

I missed that, but it's really not the right approach. They should
simply have turned off karma automation if they didn't want the update
to be pushed automatically. It's an option when submitting an update.
(I'm not sure if there's still a bug in Bodhi which makes critpath
updates get auto-pushed when they hit the critpath approval threshold,
but I hope not).

> I'm really not happy with this entire process.  I've also received an
> email saying that my 99 votes have been removed because someone at
> fedora decided to change the rules regarding my bug and voting and
> that my votes don't count any more.  What a way to run an election.

There is no election. Bug voting is a feature of upstream Bugzilla which
has no standing in Fedora, it's not officially recognized or monitored
or tracked in any way. It'd probably be easier all round if we turned it
off, but basically, there's no point in voting for Fedora bugs; to my
knowledge, no developers take any account of bug votes.

> Anyhow, what a waste of time all around.  I spend a couple of painful
> hours booting and rebooting my system to try and isolate this bug and
> the developers couldn't take two minutes to mention that they needed
> to post the kernel and that they would address my bug some time soon.

I understand, I'm just trying to explain the situation honestly so you
understand what's going on. I'm not saying I think it's the best
possible process, though it *is* a painful fact that we don't have
enough kernel developers to resolve all kernel issues that are noted in
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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