On Mon, 2010-09-06 at 16:55 +0200, Sven Lankes wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 09:43:31AM -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> > It is F14. It may be that there are updates pending to fix this, but
> > they hadn't landed in time for the last nightly composes run. Note
> > that the nightly compose process uses only F14 stable, not testing. So
> > fixes that haven't made it to stable won't help those builds.
> Sounds like the new rules bodhi enforces now do more harm than good for
> WIP-releases.
> I don't think we would loose a lot if we'd only enforce the one week in
> testing for stable releases.

Note that I have a proposal in tomorrows FESCo meeting to vary the
acceptance criteria for pre-release updates:


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