Good day all,

I have just applied to join the BugZappers Team, I have used Fedora since FC1 
and other distros before that.

I signed up on the Fedora Account System and applied for the Fedora-UK group 
first of all, with the intention of speaking to some people in that group to 
get a feel for what goes on and how I can help.

In the #fedora-uk irc room someone suggested that bug triage needs help so I 
thought I have to start somewere.

My name is Martin Airs and I live in Wallingford Oxfordshire, I am currently 
unemployed with plenty of spare time to contribute.
I enjoy python programming and creating PyQt Gui's, I can also program perl.
I have setup and maintained a couple of dedicated servers and VPS's from 
scratch, installing apache, mysql, postfix..........etc

I am also head fault finder and brains for a small group of my friends who also 
run fedora :)

I should also mention that I am looking for a mentor just to show me the ropes 
and I am a fast learner, just take me through triaging 1 or 2 bugs and I'm 
sure I'll be able to continue on my own.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to contributing to the FedoraProject in 
anyway I can, I would eventually like to help out in the KDE Sig, but I'll 
start here and see were I get to.


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