On 27/09/10 03:42, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-09-26 at 19:24 +1000, Steven Haigh wrote:
>> On 26/09/10 17:41, He Rui wrote:
>>>>> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=627789
>>> That's ok. It will be helpful if /var/log/anaconda.log is not deleted.:)
>> I have lodged this:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=637495
>> I have attached to it what I saw looked to be the required logs.
>>> Therefore users are encouraged to provide their results on the pages to
>>> increase the coverage. I'm also curious about your installation method
>>> and wanna reproduce it.
>> The system is an Asus EeePC 1005P. Installation was with a USB DVD drive
>> - as these don't have DVD drives built in.
> Then your bug is likely a dupe of 627789.
> Please, don't say you're installing from a DVD when you're not. :)
> Installing from DVD is indeed a basic requirement that is tested many
> times before a release is validated. Installing from the DVD image
> written to a USB stick is not the same thing at all and is not such a
> basic requirement. If you give the wrong impression about how you're
> installing, it's likely to lead to confusion.

This was not an install from a USB Stick - it was a USB connected DVD 
drive with physical DVD media burnt from the RC3 DVD iso.

Steven Haigh

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