On 10/12/2010 03:43 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 14:17 -0400, James Laska wrote:
>>>     Sometime this week, I'll put up a wiki page with a general list of
>>> known critpath packages.  This will give us a working set to start on.
>>> I'm thinking we can use that list to let folks "sign up" to track down
>>> the maintainer and work through the processing of defining a test case
>>> for the package and perhaps updating the status of preparing the
>>> tests.  Nothing too fancy... just something to keep some status on.
>> Awesome, I appreciate your initiative here :)  If you find it helpful to
>> manage status and coordinate efforts with multiple proventesters, feel
>> free to file tickets in the fedora-qa TRAC instance.  Let me know if
>> you'd like to create any additional TRAC milestones to organize this
>> effort.
> Me too - thanks a lot for looking at this! Just a suggestion, but the
> two packages we'd identified that could benefit from specific testing
> procedures so far are PackageKit and kernel.

Today while trying to do some F12 testing I am getting:

Warning: Server error: 
ServerError(https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/comment, 504, 
Gateway Timeout)
Warning: Comment not submitted: too many errors

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